How To Create A Lead Magnet For Your Online Coaching Business with Lucas Rubix helping you build an online coaching business
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How To Create A Lead Magnet For Your Online Coaching Business

Lucas Rubix 🤪
6 min readDec 18, 2018

The internet is about to become your playground. Every day, there are billions of people who log in to Facebook, search YouTube, or go down a rabbit hole inside of Instagram. And the beauty behind creating an online coaching business is you can get in front of thousands or even millions of people by leveraging the world wide web!

I can almost hear you saying to yourself, that this is all great but how do you get the attention from the clients you are dying to coach?? The answer is actually quite simple, you need to create something of high-value that captures their attention and gives them a solution to the problem they are facing.

The fancy-schmancy name for this is a “Lead Magnet” or an “ethical bribe.” You can create a simple PDF guide, a video series, or even a 5-day challenge. These styles all work! But there is a trick to creating the perfect lead magnet… (Check out this video to walk you through it, or keep reading)

Make It Relevant

You’re a specialist. Just like a brain surgeon, you specialize in one specific area with your clients. This means you want to create a specialized lead magnet that is extremely relevant to your ideal clients (not everyone).

Here’s an example I see a lot… Let’s say you’re a fitness coach and you want to help men build muscle which gives them a ton of confidence in their corporate jobs (instead of swimming in an oversized blazer). But your lead magnet is a book of healthy recipes that attracts almost EVERYONE! Yep, the dudes that need you will still benefit from it, but so will their moms.

So instead of creating a lead magnet that everyone loves, let’s focus on making it relevant to people you want to serve. This way you can build an email list of pre-qualified prospects who are a perfect fit for your coaching program.

Make It Actionable

The intention behind your lead magnet is to help your perfect clients get a result for free so they are hungry for more! Think about the lead magnets you have opted in for in the past… There is a good chance that if you were able to apply what you learned inside and it gave you a result, you came back looking for more!

Remember: it’s your responsibility to help your perfect clients get results. Even if you are doing this through a free download, they will be wondering what is possible for them if they work with you!

Make It Short

To get started, focus on creating a lead magnet that is short. It should take your prospects 5 minutes or less to consume it. Information overload is not going to help them get results. So let’s keep it short and easy for them to install into their life. They’ll be back for more later.

Coaching Tip: As your audience grows, you can start to create longer lead magnets. This could be a chapter out of your book, a 50+ page report or even a video course that takes an hour or two to go through. But you’ve got to build up the experience and audience who wants to go in deep with you first!

Remember, the actual delivery of your lead magnet, whether it’s a download, a checklist, a video series or an eBook, is less important than the content within it.

Stick to these 3 simple rules and you’ll be off to a good start!


Lucas Rubix

P.S. — These videos come from questions asked within both the Online Coaching Community on Facebook and Instagram. Feel free to reach out with any questions you may have Coach!

Thanks for reading!

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Hi there and welcome!

I am Lucas Rubix, and I am the founder and creator of the Coaches University, the only in-depth ‘stay until you profit’ coaching program designed specifically for coaches looking to build a profitable long-term online coaching business. You can also find me behind the mic as the host of the Coaches Corner podcast, a top 20 rated sales and marketing show dedicated to helping you turn your gifts, knowledge, experience, and STORY into an online coaching business (that actually makes money). My mission: to make sure more coaches create the freedom they crave by building the coaching business and lifestyle they’ve always dreamt of!

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Lucas Rubix 🤪

Helping You Turn Your Knowledge, Experience, And Story Into A (Profitable) Online Coaching Business!