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Master The Discovery Call / Sale Call (For Coaches)

Lucas Rubix đŸ€Ș
6 min readSep 5, 2019

Your sales calls (or discovery calls) are a massive opportunity for you to enroll more clients into your coaching programs. It’s your chance to listen to what your prospects want and need from you as their potential coach in a real-time conversation.

They will tell you exactly what they are looking for, the problems they are facing, and other golden pieces of information you need to hear to fine-tune your offer and help you attract more of the clients you want to work with (not the tire kickers and information-grabbers).

Coaching Tip: Don’t let the temptation of a “buy now” button on your landing pages mislead you. Yes, it may seem like a faster route to get more coaching clients BUT you are leaving a ton of potential on the table. Including a sales call (or discovery call) in your sales process gives your clients the chance to connect with you personally and make sure that this is the best next move for them. And at the end of the day, the rapport and relationship you create on these calls is hard to say no to!

So how do you master the sales call and get your prospect to enroll in your coaching program on the spot?

It’s NOT About You

The person on the other side of the phone or in the Zoom room does not care about you. Your degrees and certifications mean nothing to them. So while your ego may take a hit on this one, you’ve got to be hyperaware that the reason they are on the call with you is to find out what is in this for them. This means if you are speaking more than 10% of the time, you’re making it about you and you are not going to make the sale.

How To Prepare For Your Next Sales Call

The next time you have a sales call booked, take the time to see the world through their point of view. Study their application, look them up on social media, and learn as much about them as you can.

That said, you can take it a step further and write out a few reminders for yourself. For example, a lot of the coaches we work with inside the Coaches University find it helpful to write “LISTEN” on a sticky note and put it on their computer. Give it a try next time!

How To Nail Your Next Sales Call

Your mission on your next call is to get to the route of what they need. You don’t have to dance around the question or try to hypnotize them into giving you the answer. Instead, ask them “What is it you need from me?” after they have told you what they are looking for.

In a nutshell, you want to uncover some of their fears, obstacles, or objections that they may have so you can eliminate them all with your solution — your coaching program!

Check out this video for an example of how you can do this HERE!

When you have mastered these steps, they will have no other choice but to join your coaching program. Your authentic approach will be hard to say no to!

BONUS: I’m a huge fan of overdelivering! This is why I highly recommend presenting a strong guarantee at the end of the call. If there was any fear lingering in their minds, you will eliminate all of the risk on their end. This could be a 7-day period for them to test it out in case they were afraid that you overhyped anything on the call with them. Even better, you can come up with your own guarantee like the “Stay until you profit” guarantee we offer inside the Coaches University.

Check out THIS VIDEO to help you create your own “hard to refuse” guarantee!

For more details on how to lead your prospects down the right road on your sales call, watch this video. I’ll share with you the exact things to do on the call AND the things you should not do on the call. When you apply these concepts, you will make more money. Trust me.

I truly hope this helps,

— Lucas Rubix

Thanks for reading!

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Wanna hear something crazy? When you join the Coaches University you’ll also get our “Stay Until You Get Paid Guarantee!” This means you can join as many coaching calls and take full advantage of the support and coaching available to you for as long as it takes until you make your money back (and more)! LEARN MORE ABOUT THE UNIVERSITY HERE!


Hi there and welcome!

I am Lucas Rubix, and I am the founder and creator of the Coaches University, the only in-depth ‘stay until you profit’ coaching program designed specifically for coaches looking to build a profitable long-term online coaching business. You can also find me behind the mic as the host of the Coaches Corner podcast, a top 20 rated sales and marketing show dedicated to helping you turn your gifts, knowledge, experience, and STORY into an online coaching business (that actually makes money). My mission: to make sure more coaches create the freedom they crave by building the coaching business and lifestyle they’ve always dreamt of!

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Lucas Rubix đŸ€Ș

Helping You Turn Your Knowledge, Experience, And Story Into A (Profitable) Online Coaching Business!